We are pleased to announce that AM Technology have partnered up with Medipro to support our customers in Slovenia and Croatia.
Matej Kmetič, director of Medipro, has a keen interest around flow chemistry and continuous manufacturing. Matej is looking forward to getting closely involved in helping the chemical industry within Slovenia and Croatia to take advantage of the benefits afforded by flow chemistry versus traditional batch chemistry, such as lower process intensification costs and improved efficiency within a much smaller footprint.
We hope that you’ll join us in welcoming Matej Kmetič and the Medipro team and we look forward to working closely with them to support our customers within Slovenia and Croatia. If you would like to contact Medipro to discuss the Coflore® range of continuous flow reactors, then please feel free to contact Matej directly:
Tacenska cesta 137, 1000 LJUBLJANA
Tel: 386 1 511 60 93 / 386 40 200 180
Email: info@medipro.si